
bass clarinet and electronics (stereo)

Written for Jorge Variego
First Performance: 2013

Recording released by the CMMAS [Jorge Variego: Regress]


Reflejos propounds two different but intertwined kinds of musical developments for the listener to follow: on the one hand, the unfolding of a musical material in the bass clarinet, going from air/noise to pitched sound, to a range of percussive and other effects, and on the other hand, a sort of spatial counterpoint between the acoustic instrument and the fixed electronics – which is made of sounds and gestures originated also in the clarinet – that varies significantly depending on the acoustical characteristics of the hall where the piece is performed. The title of the piece (which translates from Spanish as «reflexes») refers to the latter aspect.

Program Notes
Composed for Argentine clarinetist Jorge Variego, Reflejos uses the electronics as an extension of the gestures played by the live performer, at times, but also as a distorted mirror of that performer. The piece explores several extended techniques for the bass clarinet.